Life in the Slow Lane: SIMPLY A MOMENT

Sunday 17 November 2013


NOVEMBER 16....... 04.28AM

I am sitting on the sofa in the Living room.....wearing warm pyjamas and wrapped in my favourite cosy, cream wrap - a gift from Kirsty two Christmases ago. Lying beside is Boo....shaking like a leaf and heart beating nineteen to the dozen (as my Gran used to say!)...the rain is is  bouncing off the roof and every few minutes there is a bright flash of lightning followed by a mighty clatter of thunder. These latter two  are the reason I am sitting here with a cup of tea in one hand and the other hand alternating between  typing and stroking  the quivering wreck at my side.

I resisted getting out of bed for an hour or so, but the sound of this crying, inconsolable dog finally got the better of me...she went from padding around the room crying to lying on the bed crying..eventually I accepted that getting up was the only solution.

Boo senses storms coming a good fifteen or twenty minutes before they actually manifest themselves over us...and of course, the fact that we live in a valley means that the thunder bounces off the mountains and sounds SO loud!

The rain has abated somewhat and there is only the very distant rumble of thunder now...but it's enough for this little bundle of fluff to  jump up with a start and need a cuddle every few minutes...time to  put the TV on  and try to drown it out..perhaps if I watch QVC I'll get some inspiration for Christmas pressies if nothing else!

My thanks to ALEXA for giving me something to think about during my three hour sojourn...yes, that's how long I sat up before heading back to bed...and even then I had to keep the light on before Boo settled again!

If you pop over to ALEXA'S BLOG, you'll find some other 'moments' to read and, I'm quite certain, enjoy!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx



  1. Oh my goodness, Alison, that sounds like quite a dramatic storm. Isn't Boo lucky that she has such a warm hearted and caring owner! Hoping you will be able to catch up on that lost sleep too. Thank you so much for sharing your nocturnal moment with us this month - I don't think we have ever had one of these before :).

  2. We are fortunate that storms really don't bother our dogs. The Labrador loves the rain, watch it, run in it, catch it in her mouth as it falls out of the sky. The Chihuahua's, however, would rather stay indoors, but thunder and lightening doesn't bother them.

  3. It's the fireworks that make my dog shiver and shake and if she had any teeth they would rattle!
    And yet a storm doesn't seem to bother her. Lucky animals to have such caring owners. Oh and I find music helps Pepsi, something a little louder than usual.

  4. Poor Boo! I love thunder and lightening storms. Our cats tend to run and hide if it gets too loud. Boo is one lucky little pup to have you!

  5. In auckland , when i lived on the side of a valley i often got up to watch lightning storms, but i didnt have a worried pet to calm, hope you are both fullh recovered

  6. If I'd been there, you'd have been holding my hand too and I'd be making more of a fuss than Boo! I hate storms and it sounds as if this was a particularly noisy one.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ahhh, Boo must have been petrified. Bless her! x

  9. We have a dog who reacts to storms in just this manner.....and another who doesn't even seem to notice them!!

  10. Poor thing! I hate a storm because it can bring on a migraine, but at least it doesn't reduce me to a shivering wreck :(

  11. Oh poor Boo, it's so horrible for them :( xx

  12. awww poor Boo, I do hope you got some Christmas inspiration!

  13. Oh poor thing! Hope you found some Christmas inspiration - I've been busy finishing my cards & starting some handmade gifts.

  14. Oh poor you. Poor little dog too. You wrote that moment very well and vividly. I was right there with you.

  15. Poor Boo! Poor you! That must have been one tremendous storm. I hope the two of you have caught up on your sleep since then!

  16. Poor puppy! We have a cat that hides in the basement at the slightest rumble of thunder or sound of rain on the roof.

  17. Hi old friend, popping by after a very long blog break to check in. LIfe does not seem very slow for you these days, either! I'm glad for look up/look down as some weeks that is the only creative thing I do! Aria is mainly confused by the rain we had yesterday. She hasn't seen much here. Keeping my fingers crossed that you dad has good health through the holiday season.
    And planning to be around more,

  18. I so relate to this post from the many, many times we have had to get up to pacify Kiera when there is a storm rumbling.

  19. My dogs are ok it's me who is the jibbering wreck when there is a storm,how lovely Boo has such a kind and caring owner xxx

  20. Aw bless! Poor Boo and poor you having to sit up through it. I quite like storms but as I sleep very lightly I prefer them not to be during my sleepy hours ;-)

  21. Ah the poor thing. My friends have a vest thing that they put on their dog and it seems to calm him right down when there's a storm. Our's used to try and get under the bed which was quite a trick considering the sides go practically down to the floor.


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