Life in the Slow Lane: STORYTELLING SUNDAY

Friday 8 November 2013


Yet again I'm late with my story for SIAN'S STORYTELLING SUNDAY....a monthly meme  hosted by my friend SIAN for a group of Bloggers (and YOU, if you feel so inclined), to share a story...long, short, happy or sad: Sian encourages them all!

This year we have been invited to share the stories of those things we find to be most precious to us, and for this month I haven't chosen something which I have had for years ...instead it's something that's fairly new in my life, but which has become a very big part of it: IPAD....and NOT just because I need it to play 'Candy Crush Saga'!

I use it for blog-reading, emails, reminders, lists, downloading music...but one of the most important things I use it for is keeping in touch with my girl.....I love that I can Facetime her and actually see her (you can tell a lot by my daughter's facial expressions- I wonder who she takes that from?!) and it works far better than Skype ever did for me.

Short and sweet this month, but if you want to read more stories why not pop over HERE to see what other people have chosen as their 'precious' this month.

Have a lovely weekend, whatever you're doing!

Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Now that I finally have an iPhone, I should probably learn about facetime...

  2. Oh I'm with you on the love of my iPad

  3. I'm not that technologically savvy - but when my daughter heads to college next year I might be doing Facetime on an Ipad too. I can see why yours has become precious indeed.

  4. Oh super cool! I agree! Love my ipaddy!

  5. I can totally understand why it has become so precious to you x

  6. I am not up with modern technology!! Think I am going to get left behind

  7. I just got one!! So far I love it 😃 face time is one of the best inventions ever!!

  8. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have known enough about ipads to be able to agree..but the family here clubbed together to buy the Fairs one as a Wedding Anniversary present this year and we love ours now too. It's so handy and fast to use. ..and that's coming from someone who struggles with lots of technology! A good choice, Alison. Thank you

  9. Great idea for a precious item - we use so much technology now & it's amazing what all we can do with it!

  10. Oh yes, FaceTime, Skype and texting are wonderful

  11. Yes I am with you on this one. Skyping is a lifeline in our family and you are so right about being able to tell how your child is so much better by just seeing them. I was concerned by how tired Gracia looked on Sunday but by Monday was back to her old self. Perhaps there had been some Saturday revelry that she wasn't owning up to!

  12. I can understand that totally. I've yet to skype or facetime anyone but I prefer to see people's faces when I talk to them so it would definitely work for me.

  13. facetime on an ipad is a super way to chat. I often speak to my sister on it x

  14. facetime on an ipad is a super way to chat. I often speak to my sister on it x

  15. I just love mine - it brings the whole world to me! And having just been face timing this evening with my own DS a thousand kilometres away, I understand how precious yours is to you ... Great choice :).

  16. I love mine. We haven't tried Facetime yet as we've been using Skype to talk to Janice (John's sister). We'll have to try it next time as that's all we'll have on the trip.


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