Life in the Slow Lane: TIME FOR TEA

Wednesday 30 April 2014


Joining in with ABI's monthly enjoy more virtual tea and a chat pop over HERE

Do come've picked a beautiful afternoon to stop by...can I offer you tea, coffee or something a little stronger after travelling all this way?..I have a very nice bottle of Rosado open!

You must excuse the mess..I haven't quite got the place back to it's usual state after having had Kirsty and Imane here and then setting off for Scotland almost immediately.

Yes, dad WAS well thank you....he was exhausted by the end of the day, but happy! He really enjoys being surrounded by family and he was well surrounded on Sunday!

I am always happy to get home...even after such a short trip, and even though it's lovely to catch up with everyone.....and all the way home this time all I could think about was if the CHERRIES had survived!!

 I was SO pleased to get here and see this:

.....though on closer examination:

...the little blighters have found a way in to some of them!

However I am able to offer you;

...a bowl of cherries...the best crop so far..and quite delicious!

I don't mean to sound rude, but I am actually going out tonight, or it would be lovely to have you stay longer...but do bring me up to date with your own news before you leave.

Where am I going...oh sorry...didn't I say? We were approached a few weeks ago by some of the members of the AMAS DE CASA from our village (basically the Spanish equivalent of the WI) who were interested in having a language INTERCAMBIO once a week. The result is that six Spanish ladies and six British ladies get together for an hour (or so!)and speak to each other for half an hour in English and half an hour in Spanish....under the auspices of one of our JVH members who speaks fluent Spanish! 

It's been lovely to see you again...hopefully we'll catch up again soon!

Thanks for stopping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. What a nice visit. So glad to hear that your dad is doing well and had a great day. It's been quite warm here for a few days; very Spain-like! Enjoy your language round table.

  2. Glad to hear your dad enjoyed his day.
    Love the sound of your intercambio....what a great idea.

  3. Your dad looks great! Glad to hear is was well. Yum, those cherries look scrumptious!

  4. I love cherries, thanks for sharing x

  5. It was lovely to catch up with you Alison. I'm glad you had a good trip home and that your Dad enjoyed his birthday 😀. Fresh cherries are a favourite of mine and yours look delicious! x

  6. oh those cherries! How wonderful to have them straight from the garden. So pleased to see such a great photo of your Dad. Enjoy your spanish speaking! Thanks for having tea with me today

  7. wow, the cherries look fabulous. Good to see you Dad looking well and happy

  8. Hope you had a lovely time out tonight/last night! You Dad looks really well in this photo :)

  9. Your Dad looks very happy. Of course a big badge is essential when you get to that age :)

    The cherries look perfect

  10. The cherries look lovely. So pleased that you had a lovely trip home, and doesn't your dad look well?
    Hope the language evening went well.

  11. Hope the language evening went well - what a good idea. Glad the b'day went well for your Dad too. Thanks for the chat and the cherries :)

  12. So glad to hear your Dad was well and enjoyed having his family there for his birthday. Enjoy your Spanish/English night.

  13. gosh those cherries look lovely how fab to have your own crop! Your dad looks great for 80 so glad you got to spend some time visiting xxx

  14. Oh, those cherries look delicious.

    So glad you found your Dad well and you had a lovely family day for hi birthday xx

  15. Your dad looks great, love the pic :) I just started eating cherries 2 years ago, I had never tried them because I thought they's taste like cherry candy and lollipops which I have always hated. Glad I finally gave them a try. Hope you had a great evening chatting.

  16. I'm really pleased your dad is well, I hope he enjoyed his birthday. Mmm cherries are my favourite xx

  17. So glad your dad enjoyed his birthday celebrations. Cheery cherries too - we used to have an enormous morello cherry tree - there was more than enough to share with the birds and eat and bottle and make jam and ... get sick of them! Miss it now though LOL

  18. Your evening sounds like fun! I would be lost since I don't speak Spanish or British English!

  19. ¡Qué bien, hija! ¿Puedo dejarte un comentario de vez en cuando en español entonces? :). So glad your Dad enjoyed his special day and you got to celebrate with him ... The cherries have grin so much in such a short space of time!

  20. Congrats to your dad on his birthday. And those cherries look positively yummy.

  21. I'm glad to know that your dad enjoyed his birthday celebration. An event to be remembered, for sure!

    I so-o-o-o admire people who attempt a second language. My brain doesn't seem to work in that realm--French was a miserable failure, Spanish was a slight improvement; shorthand, meanwhile, seemed an exercise in something between memory and creative writing!

  22. Life indeed is a bowl of cherries - sometimes a little blighter has taken a nibble and sometimes its just fine :-)


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