Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Monday 30 June 2014


Round here I tend to catch up with chores on a it was my least favourite of jobs;

It didn't actually take long once I got started...and now I have clothes to wear for the rest off the week without getting the ironing board out again!

The weekend? was a getting a new dishwasher, eating too much, enjoying time with Craig and Kirsty kind of weekend.....with, of course, some football watching ( or to be more precise in my case, having the football on in the background while I read blogs and SCRAP 365)

It's still incredibly hot here so there was some pool dipping involved too!

My lovely friend SIAN came up with this idea....I'm off over there to see how her weekend was!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I wonder why it is that we all hate ironing? Is it that no matter how up to date you get with it, there's always a constant supply of more to do as soon as your back is turned! I like the sound of the sunshine and the pool dipping.

  2. I dislike ironing too, but like you it never seems so bad once you get going! How lovely to be able to dip in and out of the pool when you get too hot!

  3. I'm another that hates ironing, but goodness in that heat, it must be worse.

  4. I've taken to doing my ironing in the garden wearing a bikini! Glad you can cool off in the pool I bet!

  5. I hate ironing too. In fact I work on the policy that I only iron what we want when we need it.

  6. Today was an errand day . . . went to the gym; took Clara to the Humane Society so she could volunteer and I got a few hours of work done at the nearby library; then grocery shopping; egg delivery; cooking dinner; and now, finally, a chance to catch up with blog friends.

  7. We're on term holidays so the iron is firmly at the back of the cupboard!

  8. Hehe...yes, I usually iron on a Monday so I'm sure I'll appear all hot and bothered with the iron in hand one of these weeks. Have a great week :)

  9. I'm a 'once a week get it out of the way' ironer as well....though my day is Sunday.
    And still wishing for a pool!!

  10. Ironing is my least favorite chore, too! It's hot here, too, but we're counting down the days 'til our trip to Canada! :>)

  11. Good to see you. I have to take ironing an hour at a time - and I'm always pushing it from laundry day on Monday until later in the week when I can. So I raise my iron in salute to you.

  12. Oh how I hate ironing so good for you getting it done! The heat has finally arrived here (I think). It's been a weird summer but at least everything is green and not brown this time. :)


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