Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Monday 2 March 2015


A great sense of achievement is being felt here today...I have actually managed to sit myself down and get the last square for the FRIENDSHIP QUILT sewn up AND put in an envelope ready to be posted tomorrow.....hold tight DENISE, but don't get too excited..the post from here isn't exactly what you  would call reliable!

The weekend?......a bit of gardening, a bit of shopping, an 86th Birthday dinner and Afternoon Tea...and, of course, a bit of sewing!

The sun is shining and it's HOT- not WARM here today.....on returning from a walk, Boo ran ahead of me up the garden, and this is where I found her:

....she had obviously had very hot little paws!

Hope you are seeing some sunshine where you are today!......waving at SIAN and all the other 'Monday Wavers'

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. We have sunshine but it's accompanied by a bitterly cold wind! No swimming pool paws in our house!
    This must be a wonderful time of year where you live, I'm quite envious!

  2. Boo looks so sweet cooling her feet

  3. Well, we have a lovely late afternoon sun now after waking up to an unexpected flurry of snow.
    . All we all need to do now is follow Deb's lead and get the machines back out again to put all the lovely squares together!

    Have a great week

  4. I will happily trade weather with you... at least it got warm enough today that the snow on the roadways and driveways started to melt.

  5. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Thank is such a cute photo of Boo xx

  6. you are so lucky, it's cold and miserable here!

  7. Waving to you on a sunny Wednesday morning here.

  8. It's definitely NOT hot here as we are snowed in (AGAIN!)! UGH

  9. We've has sunshine, but it certainly isn't warm enough for a dip in an outside pool, hot paws or no!

  10. We're having lovely, sunny weather here. Everyone's quilts are looking so cute.

  11. That's funny! Our dog wouldn't have a thing to do with water and would come to a complete halt at the edge of any! As far as he was concerned it was only meant for drinking. We're supposed to have a sunny cold day today but next week they are actually forecasting double digits!!


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