Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Monday 16 March 2015


It's been a day at home today...a day for housework; yes, you heard me correctly HOUSEWORK! in getting out the furniture polish and the sweeping brush AND the mop.

'What's brought on this madness?' I hear you mutter........well, apart from the fact that it was well overdue, Kirsty is arriving on Wednesday - WITH the boyfriend! The first time a boyfriend has been brought home...the boyfriend whose parents' home, every time I facetime, looks tidy pristine - so I do not want be found lacking!!

The weekend? It was a lunch with a friend on Saturday, lazy Saturday night, taking a bunch of ladies who live alone and whose children weren't around for Mother's Day out for morning coffee, telephoning my own mum and MIL, going out for Sunday Lunch then collapsing on the settee sort of weekend....and I even managed some scrapbooking!

Waving to SIAN (who came up with the brilliant idea of  ME ON MONDAY) and all the Monday 'wavers'...and of course to JO who has inspired me to get back scrapping with her FIVE FAVOURITES idea!


  1. Those are both great layouts. I'm actually looking forward to doing laundry tomorrow.

  2. That's a sweet LO of you and Kirsty! Hoping The Visit goes well for you all, and that you have a lovely time together. You deserve it, after all those sterling efforts!

  3. oh I hate that pressure of cleaning for a new visitor - have a lovely time with them there

  4. Trying for the 3rd time (don't know why it won't accept typepad)

    Oh what great looking layouts! Enjoy your visitors.

  5. You know the boyfriend's clean house? There's been his mum in the background making sure the space visible on Skype/Facetime is of Ideal Home standard!
    Love to scrapbook pages appearing, especially those featuring Paperchase!

  6. Laughing here about the housework..sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, all in a good cause! But you won't be found lacking that's for sure..The welcome will be so warm nobody'll be looking for dust :)

    Have a great week!

  7. ooohhhh... you said the "h" word on your blog! *gasp* Hope the visit goes well and is worth all the work!

  8. I was busy at the weekend trying to get tidy for a new girlfriend!

  9. Love the LO of you and Kirsty.

  10. Hoping it goes well with the Boyfriend. Great pages x

  11. Housework? At the weekend? Now go and have a lie down in the sunshine to get over it!
    Hope the visit goes well!

  12. Waving on Wednesday, the visit day! Hope all went well. I love the Bad Hair Day LO

  13. You made me laugh with the reason for housework! Love the two layouts - great colour combinations on both :)

  14. haha-- I love the bad hair day layout!! (I sometimes think I need to clip our Shelties' hair out of their way so it doesn't droop and end up in their water bowl-- maybe I'll try it!)

  15. Well, I can totally relate to an extra spruce up before company comes. In my case, it was just daughter coming home on spring break, and halfway through the week, I realized I had only dusted half her room! Love your neat and tidy layouts as well - very happy!

  16. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and those layouts look great xx

  17. It sounds as if a busy weekend led into a busy day--all leading, of course, into an exciting visit. Hope all goes well. BTW, love the bright yellow "bad hair day" page. Very cute.


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