Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Tuesday 7 April 2015


A day late again, but this was me yesterday...still catching up with laundry after all my visitors of the last few weeks had left.

The weekend? I saw Kirsty and the boyfriend on their way back to the UK on Friday, spent some time pruning and weeding in the garden, visited MY LITTLE OLD LADY who has ended up in hospital after a bad fall, had a very pleasant lunch at a local restaurant with good friends on Sunday....and  finished my last Layout for my FIVE FAVOURITES for February..... I"m hoping to get the photograph taken of that tomorrow and then I'll share them with you.

We also had word last week  that, after having an MRI scan, the doctors were pretty sure that dad had gallstones...he had surgery today during which they removed two rather large stones without complications.... he is now in Recovery and we are all hoping and praying that he will be able to start eating again and  build some strength up.

Waving at SIAN (whose idea ME ON MONDAY was)... and her merry band of wavers - and of course YOU!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. It has been lovely weather for the last couple of days for line drying clothes - they always smell so much better when they have had a good airing. Looks like you have had a very busy weekend. Thank you for your blog comment - yes thankfully I am feeling much better now!!

  2. Glad the surgery for your Dad went well Alison, I'll be praying for his speedy recovery. Hope you have a good week!

  3. Hope your dad makes a good recovery, he must have been in a lot of discomfort before they found those pesky gallstones!

  4. Hope your dad gets well soon and for some bizarre reason I never thought you hung out washing - not quite sure why, perhaps I don't associate living with Spain and having a washing line in the garden together.

  5. Good to hear that they have found a reason for your Dad's pain and are tackling it - hoping he will be more comfortable and you will all feel more relieved very soon. I bet that washing didn't take long to dry in your beautiful sunshine!

  6. So glad Dad was able to get through surgery without complications. Being sick with gallstones is no picnic (been there, done that). Love your colorful clothes pins!

  7. Wow, gallstones, that must have been a bit of a surprise. How wonderful that he is already through the surgery. I bet he's going to feel quite a bit better after that.

    Have a great week Alison!

  8. Oh! your poor dad, Gallstones! they can be so painful. So glad that he will be on the mend now.
    Waving to you on a Wednesday and yes my Pairs this week is forsythia.

  9. good to hear that your dad is on the mend now x

  10. Wishing your dad a speedy recovery ~ not pleasant things, gallstones.
    Isn't it lovely to be able to hang the washing outside?

  11. Sounds like you've been enjoying some nice times with friends & family lately! Hope Dad mends quickly!

  12. It sounds like you had a busy weekend! I hope your dad is recovering well x

  13. Glad the surgery went well and hope your Dad is well on the road to recovery. I'm amazed you were able to get that picture and have it be in focus.


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