Life in the Slow Lane: A WEEKEND'S WORTH OF LAYOUTS!

Saturday 31 October 2015


Good Morning fellow bloggers.....and Happy Halloween to one and all!

When I arrived here just over eight years ago, Halloween was recognised by very few people...only children who had British parents really knew anything about it. I have noticed in the last couple of years it has become more popular and by this year it has REALLY taken off; our local Bakery has a window display and has made some really great looking Halloween themed cookies! Last night, while driving to a Charity event, we were stopped by the Police to let a parade of toddlers dressed as pumpkins, witches etc. cross the road......unfortunately it was dark AND I was driving so no photographs!

Anyway....what I REALLY was going to share with you (before going of at a tangent) are the layouts I managed to get done last weekend:

Taken at an Easter Afternoon Tea

Two lots of flowers I received over the Easter period

This is the postcard I sent as part of  SIAN's Valentine Postcard Exchange

The first Double page layout I've done for afternoon at the park with my youngest niece

My friend Pam and I at our local Indian Restuarant

ANOTHER night out at ANOTHER local restuarant!

Needless to say I haven't managed a BIT of scrapping since last weekend and don't have high hopes of it happening this weekend!

Hoping YOU might find time for something creative this weekend

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx



  1. looks like you have been busy some great pages there Alison...sending hugs your way xxx

  2. Look at that lovely compilation of scrappy goodness. Well done. I especially like the hat one and the postcard one.

  3. What a nice weekend's worth of layouts! I do love your combination of pattern papers to enhance your photos.

  4. Fantastic pages Alison! I like how most of them have a variety of patterned papers that work so well as the background for your photos. I was excited to find time to complete a layout today . . . first one in over a month and a half. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

  5. That looks like a month's worth in one weekend - I should think you need a bit of time offto do some living to record in the next batch! Your 'friends' one is my favourite, I think (though your hat photos are splendid too), and it's a super photo of you and Pam.

  6. Oh, I'm sure the parade of pumpkin toddlers was something to see! I can just imagine it :)

    This is a fabulous collection of pages: quite a number for one weekend. I'd need about three weeks off to recover after intensive scrapping like that! I'm not going to pick a favourite. Oh, maybe I am lol..the "Friends" one

  7. You have a lovely set of layouts here to recall some lovely events. I'm afraid I often forget to get photographs when I'm out with my friends---always think of it on my way home! Love that photo of the pooch, and agree with the others that the Friends layout is especially charming.

  8. What a great set of layouts Alison! My favorite is the one of Boo - so cute!

  9. You have been productive and they are really lovely layouts with some really lovely photos of you xx

  10. They are all lovely Alison! I love all the nice cool pastels in them. My you did get a lot done! BTW, love that postcard!


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