Life in the Slow Lane: I KNOW, I KNOW....

Monday 10 October 2016


....I said I wouldn't be blogging anymore....and I'm not really....this is a BLOGHOP post, following on from my recent weekend spent with a bunch of like-minded people at the RAU in Cirencester.

you may recognise some faces here

As always, it was lovely to meet up with old friends and to meet new ones!

As has become the norm, the lovely JULIE organised  PASS THE PAGE (the scrapbooking equivalent of Chinese Whispers) prior to the event and we all duly turned up with our's always amazing to see how the page differs by the end, but also to see what elements stayed the same all the way through.

To see the starting point go to the first page on the list (Julie's) and then go on to visit everyone else's blogs.

This is the page I made after receiving JACKY'S:

To find out what happened next, go to JEMMA'S blog...the full list of participants is below

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Glad we could tempt you back - to the weekend and the blog :) Lovely to see you and to catch up a bit too.

  2. Was wonderful to see you,Alison.....and love your take on the page.

  3. I bet it was a great weekend! xx

  4. It's a great page, and I love seeing all of you together!

  5. Yeah, you are back. Lovely layout, I like how you changed it up from Jacky's.

  6. Well, I am delighted you are back :) . I can't bear to take you out of my reader so I was thrilled to see you in it! And your page is lovely - wasn't it fascinating to see the changes? I like your doily and the repetition of the circle motif ... Please don't be away too long xx

  7. I know several of those lovely faces! :) Always fun to see you all together, even if I am a bit envious!

  8. Yay - what a lovely photo that is - must print and scrap and blog it! Glad you came out of retirement to join in the hop with your fab page - me next LOL!


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