Life in the Slow Lane: Unheard of!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Unheard of!

NOT EVEN ONCE!........and there are many who can confirm............

I did something TWICE yesterday, that I have very rarely done even ONCE in a day!

Here's a clue( well, two clues):

Yes world....yesterday I partook in two exercise classes!!!!!! Believe me, exercise is so not my thing.....I hate everything about it, normally. But I have decided that if I want to  keep on with my weightloss journey, it is a necessary be honest it's probably because I have lost weight, that I feel able to exercise!

Anyhow, it just so happens that the two classes I would want to go to , fall on the same day..though, fortunately, not at the same time (or I would need the time-turning 'thingie' Hermione had in one of the Harry Potter books!....actually I would LOVE a time-turning 'thingie'...but I digress!)

In the morning, the trainers went on, and off I went to a Keep Fit class, which was actually quite good. Bizarrely, they did a routine that was very akin to Scottish country school days came flooding back and I had to stop myself going into a full-flung 'Gay Gordons' (I realise that by this time, many of you will be off 'googling', trying to work out what I'm chuntering on about!!)

In the evening it was more dancing...though Line Dancing this time! I mentioned this in a LSNED  post here......and I did indeed get some new shoes (the second pic). I can't say they turned me into a fantastic dancer, but they were certainly more flexible...and I actually cottoned on to quite a few of the steps this time....though there was still much stumbling and mixing up of feet!

Both classes were fun (anyone reading this who has known me for any length of time, pick yourself up off the floor now!) and it was good to meet some new people, so this looks as though it might be my new Tuesday routine.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I love that you've found two classes you're really enjoying, and that the dance steps are clicking into place

  2. It's great when you find an exercise class that suits you :o)
    I am hopelessly uncoordinated, so any sort of dance/aerobics in public is out for me! I've recently taken up pilates and I love it.

  3. Well done Alison. I know what a Gay Gordon is as I have been to many a Scottish dance.

  4. Oh age is showing as well....I know what a 'gay gordon' is!!
    And an extremely well done on TWO classes in one day.

  5. Way to go - two classes in one day! Oh my, I better get it together if I'm going to keep up with your weight loss now! :>) I've actually walked three days this month, outside, because the weather is finally nice enough to do so in the mornings. Hoping to keep it up this month and lose a few pounds along the way. Sounds like fun classes - keep it up!!

  6. Alison your post has cheered me up after a very tiring day. Well done on all the exercise.

  7. well done on the exercise, it's certainly helped my weight loss

  8. I am a very very bad exerciser. You are putting me to shame. I need to do something about this..

    But seriously. Well done! and keep it up

  9. Ohhhhhh! Congratulations! I wish I had your 'go gettem' attitude :-) LOL I am too lazy for any exercise.

  10. Alright!!! Good job! As someone else on a weight loss/ fitness journey, I know how important it is to just keep out. . . and receive a few cheers along the way!

  11. Wonderful!!! It sounds like fun and two is amazing! I joined WW a few weeks ago and I'm enjoying the new program. I hope to get back into the fitness thing next week, my foot is doing much better, now it's can no longer be an excuse :) Great job Alison on making exercising a priority.

  12. Good for you! Much as I could do with a time-turner thingie myself, I wouldn't be using it to attend exercise classes.... So you have my every admiration :)

  13. Good for you - glad that your toes haven't taken the same battering this week!

  14. Wow two exercise classes in one day! Well done :)

  15. Congrats Alison - good for you!! Hope you weren't too stiff afterwards :)

  16. Ok, I'm laughing at the gay gordons and I didn't even need to google it I'm so glad you've gone to the line dancing class again and I continue to be impressed with your willpower :-)


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