Life in the Slow Lane: SIMPLY A MOMENT

Tuesday 18 September 2012


9.28am on Saturday 15 October,,I have just read ALEXA'S PROMPT and I know if I don't take a minute now I will totally forget about it! I am joining in with SIMPLY A MOMENT- you can read about it HERE - suggested by Alexa herself.

Craig and I are sitting in our usual seats in the living room..him on one sofa and me on the other. We both have our laptops on.. me checking blogs, him checking emails. I have just finished drinking a cup of tea from the white mug with the coloured circles.....

...and I can feel the heat from Boo's little body curled against my legs. I'm amazed she's still lying here, as the dogs from the house in front of us are barking madly, and she usually can't resist going for a nosy! Pepe next door has just added the sound of his badly-needing-oiled garage door to the melee.
I'm wearing my pink and white sarong, and am just thinking that my toe is starting to ache when Craig starts telling me that I need to drink more milk to encourage the bone to heal. While he waxes lyrical, I am thinking that I need to get moving and clean the floors and put yesterday's ironing away...and scowling at his black socks (from last night!), which he always takes off when he sits down, but leaves lying on the end of 'his' sofa instead of putting them in the laundry basket! I realise the washing machine has just finished spinning, so it's time to make a move and go and hang it out to dry.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Alison this post is just fabulous! A slice of your day right now as it happens. I love that you have written what you are thinking. Well done. It will be so good to look back on.

  2. Yay, you've done it! I really must remember to do so myself... Planning to print out the prompt, set an alarm for some random time and then just do it :) Great to have a glimpse into your moment!

  3. Alexa has the most interesting ideas. I love what you did with this, and I just might join in myself.

  4. What a lovely little glimpse into your day. x

  5. I love this! Lovely to read about a moment in your day. Are you going to scrapbook it? I think a year's worth would make a great album:)

  6. I love this too! A lovely glimpse into your day and I can totally empathise with you about the socks!

  7. What really strikes me is how you have the housework in the back of your mind - I think that's something we can all relate to. That's effective writing, when you get us all nodding our head, I think!

  8. What a lovely idea - you've written this so well. And while we're sharing, my husband does the socks thing too!

  9. Your moment sounds incredibly familiar! :) You do need to change the date though... it's not "October" just yet!

  10. Wow, another fun blog post! You find the neatest ideas! I'm just putting together a "Hello to...." post from having seen it on yours!!

  11. Separate sofas? How luxurious! I can relate to the socks thing and the laundry calling - hope the toe improves soon (but I know that you're not resting it enough)!

  12. I can relate to the issue of socks being dumped, also having housework swirling around in your head - it never leaves does it?!

  13. Felt like I was sitting in the room observing everything even able to hear your thought. The Chosen One tends to leave shirts, socks and shoes downstairs every night @@

  14. How great to have caught this moment of domestic bliss so accurately. It's easy to foget, but housework does always seem to lurk at the back of our minds doesn't it. Do hope the toe gets better soon. I agree with Jimjams, more rest needed.

  15. That's a lovely idea and what a nice memory.

  16. Your post proves that it's the every day events that add the color and meaning to our lives--this was one terrific post!

  17. I have really enjoyed reading this, Alison.:) It's lovely to know a little but more of what life is like for you and I do hope the bone heals well. We clearly need to start a fund for oil for Pepe's garage! Thank-you so much for joining in, and I hope you've had pleasure from it too.

  18. I can just imagine! Simply a moment would be a great idea for journaling!!


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