Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY

Monday 29 October 2012


This week  I'm saying:

HELLO to all of my bloggy friends who are battening down the hatches as Hurricane Sandy hits the Eastern safe my friends!

HELLO to cooler temps here...especially in the mornings and at night

HELLO to putting the electric blanket on the bed, due to said colder nights!

HELLO to long sleeves and long trousers...goodbye cropped trousers and strappy tops!

HELLO to going to get  the gas canisters filled.. will soon be time for a little heating in the mornings to take the chill off the house 

HELLO to November...nearly time for getting the Christmas CDs and DVDs out..YAY!!!!

HELLO to 'passing the book' to MEL...I'll get it posted off to you later in the week Mel

I do hope your week holds some good things in it

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. We succumbed last night and put the heating on for the first time. Well done Mel on winning the book.
    Fiona xx

  2. Oh, yay!! My week holds a few good things - I'm hoping my hospital appointment on Wednesday will be one of them... But the surprise of seeing my name here was an unexpected and most welcome one, thank you! xx

  3. I'm pretending that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with crisp sunny Autumn days but you know I would rather be saying hello to your "cooler days!"

  4. Some nice things to say hello to x

  5. Me thinks your 'cooler' and our 'cooler' may be two different things entirely!!

  6. We've run the heater now and then ourselves.

  7. I'm with you on the HELLO to Christmas CDs and DVDs, I love them!

  8. Hello Alison and hello to your cooler climes. So pleased lots of improvements in all your family health issues too.
    Thanks for your lovely comments re our baby. Very much appreciated.x

  9. We've had the heating and fire on for weeks now - hope you enjoy the additional warmth with those cooler starts and finishes to the day. Will those mountains get snow on eventually?

  10. Christmas DVD's yes! We were just thinking about those here too and trying to decide which favourite we would start with.

    Have a good week Alison

  11. I've said HELLO to a bladder infection so am a bit under the weather :( Also lots of rain and still an unstable internet line so not a very happy chappy this week...

  12. Love your hello's. We have had the heating on for ages! Hope you have a lovely week.

  13. I laughed at Jacky's comment because I was thinking the exact same thing! LOL! As for the mention of Christmas - well now you have me thinking when is a good time to put up that tree! Hee! Hee!

  14. Don't you just love this time of year? It's always such a relief for us when the temperatures start to drop. This is my favorite time of year in Arizona!

  15. I just came across my box of Christmas music today as I was clearing out stuff for the church rummage sale. Now if I can only come across the missing CD cases for 2 of our favorites - Straight No Chaser and Kenny G. Tis the season!

  16. Have had the heat onfor a bit now but just put the duvet on. Its supposed to dip below 0C tonight - a little too early for me. Just wIting for the Santa Claus parade here and then the CDs will come out.

  17. Hope you are having a great week & enjoying Craig being home with you xo


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