Life in the Slow Lane: THE WEEK THAT WAS

Sunday 8 June 2014


I haven't done one of these posts for a while, so thought I might share the last week with you:

Last MONDAY saw me in my role as 'Catering Manager' for JVH....up early to prare this lot

before heading off to this beautiful location....a hospital facility called FONTILLES up in the mountains about 10km from here.

Our own Charity and a local Cancer Charity were having the opening of a small Hospice unit in an annexe of the hospital...something we have been working towards for a couple of years now. The British Consul was supposed to be coming to open it, but King Juan Carlos decided to abdicate that day and the Consul was called to Madrid, leaving us with a very nive Vice Consul to do the honours!

TUESDAY saw me heading for the to Scotland to see mum and dad;

I managed to get dad out for lunch on Wednesday (as always to a local Garden Centre) and as we walked in the door this display greeted us;

And I remembered the list for RINDA'S SUMMERTIME SCAVENGER HUNT.....I had my first entry!

By THURSDAY, dad was exhausted after our trip on Wednesday and needed a day at home...I took mum and her friend Barbara for a bit of retail therapy then went out to 'play' with 'the girls' that night.

After taking mum to the Hospital for a Treadmill Test on FRIDAY morning,it was time to head back to the airport and's always such a relief and pleasure to get back...although these feelings are always accompanied by guilt.

YESTERDAY I managed to get some shopping done, then worked on the garden for a while in the afternoon. I took the car out late in the afternoon, and before I got to the end of the road I realised the car didn't feel right...I pulled over and discovered I had a tyre as flat as a pancake...and the hubcap was half way down the road!!

TODAY has been a lazy day...though I have managed a few chores here and there ...and have even managed to catch up with some blog-reading!

Hoping everything is good with you and yours

Thanks for  dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Glad you got some time this week with your parents, bet they were over the moon to see you. But I totally understand your happiness at getting home. I love seeing your round up of your week

  2. Oh no! You could have done without that flat tyre :(. You kindness and generosity of spirit will have been much appreciated by your family, I'm sure; and I've really enjoyed seeing the photos of the hospice/hospital building, and your home, and the surrounding scenery. And what a great gnome capture! I think you will win a prize for the most in one single shot ... Hoping you have a more restful week this week ...

  3. What a busy week - so glad you got to see your parents again. Sorry about the flat tire - doesn't sound like fun at all.

  4. You know, you sound to have had such a week filled with helping people and then you get a flat tyre - what a pain!

    Those gnomes are quite overwhelming!

  5. A very busy week....glad you enjoyed a visit with your parents.....and sorry about the flat tyre.

  6. That's been quite a week! A little bit of everything life can throw at us really. The gnomes are brilliant - very cheerful

  7. Oh what an end to the week! Nice that you were able to get over and visit your parents. I think if there was a prize you'd get it for most gnomes captured. :)

  8. Love your picture of the gnomes! Glad you were able to get home to see your parents, I am sure they appreciate your time:) Oh No! about the flat tyre - hope you got it fixed.

  9. That's quite a week ~ shame about the flat tyre!

  10. That was quite a whirlwind week you had!--and, as usual, most of it spent helping others. I'm glad you had a (well-deserved) lazy day at the end of it, especially after dealing with the flat tire. I hope that's been put to rights and that you back on the road again.

  11. Oh my, what a very busy week! Glad your dad was up to getting out for a while & that you had time in retail therapy with your mom. What a bummer about the flat tire, although I think I spotted a lamp post in one photo . . . isn't that on Rinda's list too? :>)

  12. A very busy week for you Alison. Blog reading has gone out of the window lately, so I'm having a little catch up today. Great shot of all the gnomes.

  13. wow, you have been busy labely! thanks for visiting my blog; I haven't done any blog reading lately either, but I need to do some catching up, for sure. Yummy treats for the hospital facility opening, and a gorgeous setting! I may have to try out the photo scavenger hunt, and see how good (or bad, lol!) I do! (love the gnomes; they always look so happy, don't they??)

  14. Wow - that's a lot of gnomes! They seem vaguely threatening to me.

  15. Love your gnome photo! Glad you had a nice time with your parents. Busy week for you!

  16. What a week. Glad you were able to make and trip and make it home - bummer about the tire.

  17. Wow, that is a busy week! x


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