Life in the Slow Lane: TIME FOR TEA

Sunday 30 November 2014


Well, what a day you've picked to drop by! Not only is it pouring with rain, but I am in the process of having my Sitting Room painted....

complete with scaffolding! There are boxes and 'things' lying in every nook and cranny around the house, but fortunately there a couple of chairs in the Naya we can sit on, and I can squeeze past the scaffolding to get to the's a hot drink you'll be wanting today, so I'll get the kettle on.

While I'm doing that you can have a look at the Christmas Village...

It's tradition that I have the village in place in time for Kirsty's birthday (which is today...Happy Birthday my sweet!!), so I have just made it in time.

I've also just about finished the tree here in the naya too..just to find the topper, but that will be once I can get back into the cupboard!

Well, I have managed to get past the scaffolding, so let's have this cuppa before it gets cold. Fortunately I bought some mince pies to freeze at our XMAS Bazaar last weekend, so we can have one a couple of those each.

How are your Christmas plans going? If you've visited me before, you will know that Christmas and all it entails are a huge thing with me, so you can hear Michael Buble singing about a White Christmas on the background.

 I 'm very excited, because I'm having my very first Christmas Ornament Swap on Friday...I'm also hoping I can get the house back together and decorated by then!! No-one here has heard of an Ornament Swap but thanks to Blogland I have, and everyone is looking forward to it.

After Friday, my next project will be to turn my newly acquisitioned Craft Room back into a guest bedroom(!) as mum and dad are coming over for Christmas. You can't believe how excited they (and ourselves) never thought he would ever have another visit here! There are lots of things to be put into place from a medical and practical point of view, but it will all be worth it, of that I have no doubt.

I don't know about you, but I have so enjoyed my trips around blogland, having whatever beverage was on offer ...a huge THANK YOU must go to ABI whose idea this brilliant meme was. Due to her workload  at Uni this year , she is calling a halt to TFT but you know you are more then welcome to drop in here at any time...and I have no doubt that come the New Year another meme will bring us all together!

Now grab  that umbrella and get out to the car while that rain has subsided a little travels!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx 


  1. Hi Alison, and hoping that you have managed to see off the scaffolding by now :). It'll be nice to have it all freshly painting for Christmas, with all those special visitors. Rain? Oh my, that's not a word I often see on your blog! it was lovely to pop in, especially as we have nothing here in the way of mince pies, or indeed anything Christmassy at all - yet!

  2. I hope the paint is looking perfect by now! It's been a real pleasure travelliing round and enjoying a drink and a chat with everyone each month. It'll be missed!

  3. Nice stopping by to chat with you. We will probably start Christmas decorating here today! Had to get through Thanksgiving first.

  4. Your christmas decs are looking lovely....another couple of weeks til we put ours up.

  5. We're kindred spirits .... I love love love all things christmas. So please let me just stand and stare at your gorgeous village

  6. Thank you so much for stopping for tea so often over the years Alison! It has been a real joy. That tree looks superb! I am very excited for all the christmas preparations. I loved the ornament swap we did last year. I hope you enjoy yours.

  7. The village is so pretty. We haven't started Christmas decorating yet. I am solid on it not being before December 1 and have just packed up all the fall and Thanksgiving things this weekend. I know everyone will enjoy the ornament exchange.

  8. Your village is looking quite pretty. I still have to put mine up, first though we need to move John's laptop and "stuff" off of the table we use for it. :) So wonderful that your parents will be there for Christmas! I've enjoyed having these meetings over tea with you.

  9. It's been lovely catching up with you and I hope your mum and dad have a really lovely visit. Happy birthday Kirsty :) xx

  10. So lovely to catch up! Your Ornament Swap sounds fun, and I loved looking at your decorations. take care.

  11. It's been lovely dropping in and seeing all the decorations, I love the village x

  12. I love villages, there are so very Christmasy. Glad I stopped by - be back soon.

  13. I'm a little late for tea as it's been a busy week around here! You're Christmas village looks so festive!


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