Life in the Slow Lane: WINTER SCAVENGER HUNT!

Sunday 30 November 2014


Two posts in one day!? really IS feast or famine with me, but I just had to share the news that JOY over at DAISY ROW and her friend EILEEN have organised a Winter Scavenger Hunt!

The list is as follows:

1. Reflection in water
2. Someone wearing a funny hat
3. Ornate door knocker
4. Breakfast
5. Something that is over 100 years old
6. Winter weather
7. Someone dressed for the season
8. A fish
9. Festive lights
10. A letter shape in nature or in an object
11. Polka dots
12. Silhouette
13. Stained glass window
14. Partly built new building
15. Bunting
16. A collection (of anything)
17. Texture
18. Shadow
19. Street musicians
20. Nativity scene - compulsory and can't be substituted

 If you find any of the above hard to get you may substitute one or both of the subjects below, except No. 20 which is compulsory.  Bearing in mind that you may be living in the southern hemisphere, you may also substitute summer weather for winter weather.

Alternative A - new life
Alternative B -  a decorated tree

You can join up via a Linky on either Blogs.....why don't you join in? know how much we all enjoy RINDA'S Summer Scavenger off to study that list again, I think I may already have a few of them!

Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Looking forward to seeing how you get on

  2. hi friend, I have feel like I have been away forever. Thanks for sharing about the hunt, I'll have to check it out. Hoping to do some blog reading this week :)

  3. Some interesting items there, although a reflection in water might be hard to find in our winters. :) I'll give this some thought.

  4. Great idea, I might try and join in x


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