Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Tuesday 2 December 2014


I tried REALLY hard to post this yesterday, but in reality it was never going to happen!

The marathon painting job didn't finish till early afternoon, and then of course it was the big tidy time to take any pics of that....but by nine o'clock it es time for this....

...the box(es) of precious ornaments were finally opened and the tree-decorating began! I don't know about you, but there are so many memories attached to our ornaments adds to the enjoyment of the task, but it also makes it a time-consuming job, which is why it was 1o'clock this morning before I got the tree looking ALMOST the way I want it too ( there will be much tweaking between now and Christmas Day!) and the boxes tidied away.

The weekend?......there was Christmas card writing, popping in for tea and cake with a not-so-well friend, starting to think about meals to freeze for mum and dad coming, and tidying up after the painter had left to mention the few things I can actually all begins to pass in a blur at this time of year!

As always, my thanks to SIAN for starting this MONDAY WAVE .....wishing you all a good week...hope you have some festive fun to look forward to!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Your tree looks beautiful xx

  2. Nice job on your tree! So pretty! Hugs on your busy fun time!

  3. A gorgeous tree; ours is up but not yet decorated. It does get to be a blur this time of year.

  4. Your tree looks amazing. I've had to buy new baubles this year but still found a little spot for one of the ornaments we had on our tree when we were kids in the early 70s.

  5. oh yes I love all the memories evoked as I unpack decorations and what a beautiful tree you have

  6. Hey Alison: it's very nice to be giving you a mid week wave! The tree looks amazing..yes, I know what you mean about all those memories. It can take hours to put our tree up too. But well worth it!

  7. Well you are all ready. We are not allowed to start getting ready for Christmas until after my daughter's Dec. 6 birthday. She is very prickly about it. Happy Holidays!

  8. Your tree looks lovely and full of memories. How nice! I hope to get ours up over the weekend.

  9. It's a beautiful tree Alison! We've had a few delays but after finally getting the "stubborn" angel situated just right last night the tree will get done today. Like you it's going to take me awhile what with all those special memory decorations.

  10. Your tree looks wonderful and all those memories make it extra special!

  11. Your tree looks absolutely beautiful

  12. Your tree looks lovely--we hope to have ours up today. Like you, we will add new items and rearrange old ones until the tree comes down again (usually Dec 31st because I like to start the New Year with the house back in order).

  13. Hope you had a fabulous week! We finished up our decorations today. We collect ornaments on our travels, and it takes a while to enjoy them all as we decorate here, too!

  14. Your tree looks wonderful! We too have ornaments which are precious to us because they are memories of things past.


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